
In the
Hey there!
We’d love to help you dive deeper into God’s Word and find fresh meaning in each verse. Scripture tells us that our hearts are meant to be a welcoming home for God’s Word and the work of Christ. Psalm 119, particularly the section that starts with the Hebrew letter “beth”
(which also means “house”), hints at how we can make our hearts a true home for God’s Word. Throughout the Bible, we read about God writing His Word upon the hearts of His people. In 2 Corinthians 3:3, it says our lives are like letters from Christ, “written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” What a beautiful image!
We invite you to join our online Bible Class every Wednesday at 7 PM with the
Church of Christ at Rock Springs Road. It’s a relaxed and welcoming time where we can:
Ask questions, clear up anything we don’t understand, and explore together
Encourage and support each other
Share our personal experiences in faith
Contribute ideas and thoughts
Pray together if you’d like—no pressure!
Simply follow the instructions below to join, and use our phone number (no dashes) to connect. When you join, your device will be muted initially, but feel free to unmute anytime to ask a question or share a thought. We just ask everyone to be courteous when others are speaking.
And, if you haven’t already, you can download Olive Tree’s free Bible app on your PC, Android, or mobile device. We hope it’s a helpful tool as we kick off this Bible class series!
This service is offered free by the Church of Christ at Rock Springs Road. God bless, and we’re looking forward to seeing you there!
Join Zoom Meeting UPDATED 2-18-24


Join us every week and listen. Join us also for events and bible class (coming soon).