Did you ever think of God’s Word as seed? I Peter 1:23 says we are “... born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God, which lives and abides forever.” In Luke 8:11, Jesus confirmed this seed is... the Word of God. It’s clear that God gives the increase and brings new life from the seed planted in the hearts of people. (I Cor. 3-6-8) BUT THIS SEED DOES NOT PLANT ITSELF! Someone has to spread it, plant it and water it. God didn’t have to, but He CHOSE to make members of the Lord's church vital in His plan in evangelism. WHY? He plugged us into His evangelism plan of operation... FOR OUR JOY, now and eternally. Evangelism is the work of every faithful member of the Lord's church, male or female, young or old, can plant (and/or water) the seed of God’s Word in the hearts of THOUSANDS of people every year by sharing the word of God "One on One".

Hand in Hand
The Evangelism Ministry works hand-in-hand with the Pulpit Ministry to answer God’s call to reach and touch the lives of people who may not know that God loves them and that He has a plan for them. In love and with action, we’re building relationships with each other and with God.

The Great Commission
Matthew 28: 19-20 contains what has come to be called the Great Commission: The Great Commission instructs us to make disciples while we are going throughout the world and while we are going about our daily activities. How are we to make disciples? By baptizing them and teaching them all that Jesus commanded. “Make disciples” is the command of the Great Commission. “As you are going,” “baptizing,” and “teaching” are the means by which we fulfill the command to “make disciples.”